Vitamins and Dental Problems

Although we shall deal with how lack of individual vitamins affects the mouth, the symptoms may be more indicative of a generalized deficiency and treatment of oral lesions is usually best dealt with by the whole of the vitamin B complex and vitamin C. When riboflavin is lacking the first signs are a sore tongue with cracking of the lips and of the angles of the mouth, usually accompanied by intractable mouth ulcers. The tongue takes on a characteristic magenta color with deep fissures and raised areas known as papillae.

In nicotinic acid deficiency the tongue will be swollen and the color of raw beef. Other parts of the mouth affected include the gums, the mouth and the tongue, all of which become inflamed. An inflamed tongue may also be indicative of pyridoxine deficiency but in other respects, lack of the vitamin causes cracking of the lips and of the corners of the mouth - conditions also associated with low intakes of riboflavin.

The smooth, sore tongue associated with vitamin B12 deficiency is almost diagnostic of the condition. An inability to absorb the vitamin may give rise to pernicious anemia. This serious complaint will only respond to vitamin B12 and treatment is usually by intramuscular injection of the vitamin. A generalized low dietary intake of vitamin B12 not uncommon in vegetarians and particularly vegans will usually affect die tongue early on in the deficiency and healing is rapid once the vitamin is supplied-in the diet.

Although we tend to associate disorders of the mouth and tongue with a possible vitamin B complex deficiency, lack of vitamin C is also a likely cause of such lesions. In low vitamin C intakes there are bleeding gums, which can become inflamed, leading to a loosening of the teeth. Small localized hemorrhages may also appear in the mouth. As we saw above, biotin deficiency is more likely in the infant because of its immature intestinal bacterial population. When the specific skin dermatitis appears, this may continue into the mouth, causing rawness on its surface. The condition will respond only to biotin.

It is better to meet your dentist for more information regarding this topic and also you can find relevent information regarding this issue by visiting Dentist Library website page. If you live in Brampton area then you can visit here to find Brampton Dentist to discuss your problems.

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