Sleep Apnea Is A Serious Issue For Children

Snoring is a usual symptom of obstructive sleep disorder, associated with sleep apnea and ordinary among older people. This is frequently caused by the obstruction of the airway by the slack muscles of the throat and palate or falling back of tongue due to a sleeping position. Children may also be affected by sleep apnea.

Infants and children can exhibit more serious underlying conditions of sleep apnea compared to older people.

1. Apnea of Prematurity (AOP) is diagnosed on infants who are born before completing the 34th week of pregnancy. The premature development of the brain and certain body organs may restrain full regulation of the breathing process. Use of CPAP machine, flat sleeping position, provision of oxygen and medications to stimulate faster development of organs are among some critical medical interventions.

2. ALTEs or Apparent Life-Threatening Events can be fatal if associated with brain or heart impairments and calls for priority attention or it is not anything serious. To rule out negative thoughts, the child needs medical evaluation. The symptoms are serious like choking, gagging, change in skin tone, and modified muscle tone. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is an example of the underlying condition.

3. Apnea of infancy (AOI) develops in full-term infants but younger than 1 year. AOI usually goes away on its own and any sleep apnea with unknown cause is linked to AOI. An apnea which doesn't cause any medical problem, may be considered as the child's normal breathing pattern.

4. Obstruction like an enlarge tonsil and adenoids in children qualifies as obstructive apnea among children. The connection between the throat and the back of the nasal cavity are called adenoids; these are antibody producing organs. Adenoids regress in five years and function in protecting the body against bacteria and viruses entering the body through the nose. This disorder can be seen in about 1 to 3 percent of the preschool-aged kids. Apneas, snoring, daytime sleepiness, difficulty in breathing and irritability are among the symptoms. ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can also be aggravated.

If there is a suspicion that your kid has apnea, notify your pediatrician before matters get worse. Sleep apnea among kids should never be ignored.

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