Latest Prostate Cancer Treatment

Is This All Mens Greatest Fear?

What makes us men? What literally and technically differentiates us from our equal female counterparts? Is it our build? We have female bodybuilders today who dwarf average men in size and strength. Is it the hair follicles that are more pronounced on our bodies? We have ladies today who take testosterone to fit their new lifestyle as men after they have been under the knife. So what is it that makes us men? A little organ called the prostate.

And what makes the prostate so special. It secretes part of the fluid that men release during procreation. That cannot be mimicked or cut away or added in any gender operation that we currently see in today’s society. It is there by design. So what happens when this all special gland comes under threat and there are suspicions of prostate cancer? Almost immediately, men would look at a prostate cancer treatment option.
And depending on the severity of the diagnosis men would most definitely be open to advanced prostate cancer treatment. And with the advances in medical technology and medicine today there are flurries of prostate cancer treatment options available. An example of a modern day prostate cancer treatment option is external beam radiation. Bracytherapy is another example of a common prostate cancer treatment option.

Surgery and hormone therapy would also fit the bill as prostate cancer treatment options, which are viable and commonly used in today’s medical arena. Needless to say that once men have been made aware of this imminent danger and are fortunate enough to come through with a full recovery, we then notice a drastic change in their health lifestyle.
Men will start to exercise more, eat healthier, even drink green tea, which studies show that is one of the main reasons that incidents of prostate cancer in Asia are so low. A great prostate cancer treatment option, I think, would be to prevent before it gets to a point of curing. Healthy lifestyles should be a priority of ours from the time we are boys until we are fully matured.

A number of studies exist to show that simple exercises, such as kegels, serve as a great preventative to prostate cancer but cannot be seen as a prostate cancer treatment option. There are alternative treatments available as well and we will have a look at these in the next paragraph.

Alternative Treatment Options For Prostate Cancer
These are some alternative treatments but still fit the bill as a prostate cancer treatment option: cryosurgery, gene therapy, complementary nutrition therapy and my personal favorite Trans Perineal Microwave Ablation of the Prostate (TAP). So to all the men out there, stay healthy.

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