Effects Of Childhood Obesity Are Negative, Both Psychologically As Well As Physical

Fast foods do not contain as much fat today as in the early days when they were first introduced to the public; such steps are a direct consequence of the huge public outcry about the ill-effects of childhood obesity that is affecting young children in greater numbers as compared to in the past. In fact, today childhood obesity is of epidemic proportions and a major concern for every responsible person and organization. No doubt, lower fat in today’s fast foods is welcome; however, this does not stop children from eating more of these fast food items and their consumption of sugar too has been growing.

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Carbs and starches are being consumed in greater amounts and unfortunately, when you eat meals that contain less of protein and fat; the end result is continuing pangs of hunger which needs to be satisfied – and fast foods are an obvious temptation. Long term ill-effects of childhood obesity are many including suffering from high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and succumbing to different diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a major ill effect of childhood obesity and this is very worrying because up to recently, this condition was normally only associated with adults. However, in the recent couple of decades type 2 diabetes has started to affect, it is believed, a quarter of all children that are struggling with their obese bodies. What’s worse is that the effects of childhood obesity such as type 2 diabetes continue to affect these children into their adult years.

Another common ill effect of childhood obesity is asthma and this condition is more prevalent in young boys that are overweight than in obese young girls. The suffering of obese children that are also suffering from asthma is far greater than in the case of asthmatic children that are not obese.

There are several psychological ill effects of childhood obesity including suffering from low self esteem that is consequent to the fact that obese child are discriminated against by fellow students and peers alike. In fact, obese children rank the quality of their lives very low; as low as do cancer patients.

Given the high percentage of young children that eat fast food and have become obese, childhood obesity and fast foods are naturally interlinked closely – mainly because these foods contain high amounts of calories that after consumption cause children to not want to exercise– leading to excess calories in the body and subsequent obesity and overweight problems.

Modern culture lays a lot of emphasis on looking beautiful and maintains ideal body weight. The effects of childhood obesity therefore are very strongly felt on children that cannot or do not conform to stereo-type images of what they should look and feel like. Psychological effects of childhood obesity range from depression to anti-social behavior and are a major reason why parents and responsible citizens should teach their children to refrain from binging on fast foods and instead, must exercise regularly and not turn into couch potatoes.

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