Dealing With an Enlarged Prostate Gland

Dealing with an enlarged prostate gland is certainly not the easiest thing in the world but fortunately, what with the astounding medical advances that have been made in the world today, there are some terrific options available when it comes to the treatment of an enlarged prostate gland.

Before you can properly learn how to deal with an enlarged prostate gland however, you are going to need to become more educated on the prostate and what function it has in the body.

The prostate is a small, squishy gland about the size of a walnut. It is located under the bladder and in front of the rectum.

Enlarged Prostate Gland

There is a quite common health condition known as an enlarged prostate gland and which must be taken care of immediately otherwise it can be damaging to the body and may even result in prostate gland cancer.

There are a few symptoms of this condition that you should be aware of, so that if you ever start noticing these symptoms you can get in to see your doctor right away. If you notice that you have the need to pass urine urgently, the need for frequent trips to the toilet, have hesitancy or difficulty in starting to pass urine, or have a weak or intermittent stream once you do start urinating, you may have an enlarged prostate gland.

You will need to seek the advice of a medical professional, and they will perform a few standard tests in order to determine whether or not this is the problem and if so offer you advise on what you can do to get back to a healthy state.

When it comes to the treatment of enlarged prostate glands, there are a few options, but drug treatment is usually the first suggestion. There are two main classes of prescription medicines that are used to treat this condition and they are: alpha-blockers and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.

Alpha-blockers in particular tend to be effective, and work by relaxing muscle fibers that control the tension in the prostate gland. They do not work for everyone however, and so you need to remember this and be prepared to go through a bit of trial and error before finding a treatment that is successful.

You will need to work closely with your doctor during this time in your life, and ensure that they are always aware of your condition and on whether or not you are making any improvement.

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