What You Need To Know About Childhood Trauma

A lot of people go through life without really understanding why they respond violently to certain situations. Many of these people who have inexplicable reactions to certain situations suffer from many conflicting and strong emotions that they cannot control. According to experts, one of the causes of these conflicting and strong emotions is childhood trauma.

What Causes Childhood Trauma?

Childhood trauma has many causes but in most instances, extraordinarily stressful events that leave the child helpless and vulnerable often lead to trauma. For instance, a treat to the child's life can leave the child frightened and insecure for a long time. In most cases, the child who has been exposed to frightening situations replays the event in his or her head over and over again which often lead to violent nightmares. If left untreated, the child could be traumatized for life and will have difficulty living a normal life. Some children even become uncontrollably violent that they have to be institutionalized. Such situation can be very stressful both for these children and their parents.

Aside from treats to life, children are also very vulnerable to verbal abuses. According to experts, being exposed to repeated verbal abuse and intentionally cruel actions could lead to child abuse trauma. A lot of people are not really conscious of the fact that repeatedly telling their children that they are "dumb and up to no good" can emotionally and psychologically damage their children for life. This is really very sad because most verbal abuses happen at home and the perpetrators are usually the people whom these children love.

The effects of verbal abuse can be so deeply ingrained in the minds of children. Abused children often go through life feeling insecure and angry about a lot of things. In most causes, children who have been constantly verbally abused by the people that they love often suffer from severe childhood trauma that it becomes difficult for them to trust the people around them. If left untreated, children who are suffering from severe childhood trauma can become depressed and suicidal.

Helping A Child Overcome Trauma

Childhood trauma is a serious condition which needs professional treatment. Therapy can help the child overcome his or her negative emotions. Depending in the nature of the even which caused the childhood trauma and depending on the natural disposition and state of mind of the child, the length of treatment may vary. Some children recover fully after a few months of therapy while others need longer time to come to terms with what happened to them in the past. Fortunately, a loving and stress free environment can speed up the treatment process.

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