Pediatric Head Trauma: A Big Challenge For Doctors

Pediatric head trauma is a very serious issue – mainly because it accounts for much mortality as well as morbidity amongst children and in fact, as many as a tenth of all children are known to have sustained significant injuries to their heads during their formative years. It is thus a big challenge facing doctors who need to identify children suffering from pediatric head trauma so that their (the children’s) condition can be managed in a more specialized manner.

Induces Death Or Disability

It is important that doctors are able to treat pediatric head trauma in time – perhaps through use of resuscitation as well as by recognizing the condition, and also through affecting timely management of any post traumatic complications (neurological) that might otherwise even lead to death or disability among children suffering from pediatric head trauma. The basic mechanism of head injuries in children will vary according to the age of the child. In the case of neonates there is greater risk of linear fractures to the skull due to the passage of the head through birth canal or even due to use of delivery forceps.

Other common reasons why pediatric head trauma cases occur include falls from beds as well as from changing tables; serious injuries to the head can also lead to premature death of the child. Pediatric head trauma cases are also commonly ascribed to children being involved in automobile accidents; especially if the child is walking or cycling and he or she is struck by another vehicle. In their adolescent years, these children are frequently the drivers and they are therefore more likely to suffer from severe injuries to the head.

Doctors need to be able to properly assess cases of pediatric head trauma and they will most often begin by evaluating the child’s ABC or, airway; breathing and finally, circulation. Another step that doctors need to take when assessing cases of pediatric head trauma is to make a neurological examination along the lines of the Glasgow Coma Scale score and to also do their best to determine papillary reaction to light as well as extraocular movements.

The treatment of pediatric head trauma can be divided into categories which are low risk injuries as well as high risk injuries. Traumatic head injuries, both in children and also in adults, is another major cause for concern as there is great risk that such injuries can lead to brain damage and further serious consequences.

When assessing cases of pediatric head trauma the age of the child will play an important role in making of the prognosis though fortunately, children are actually able to deal with their head trauma a lot better than can adults.

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