Are Digital Hearing Aids Worth the Money?

For decades, hearing aids used the same analog technology as radio and television. But when the digital revolution came along, it made sense that you would see a revolution in hearing aid technology in the form of new sophisticated hearing aids as well. The outcome is that when you are shopping for a new hearing aid, you now have a choice. Of course, the digital alterative might be more expensive. But at the same time, there are some real advantages to going digital in this area of your life like we all have in so many other ways.

One reason that new technology like modern hearing aids do come with a high price tag at first is that the research and development effort that goes on behind the scenes when a big breakthrough is brought to market is expensive. In some cases, new designs in hearing aid technology might take years to develop and test and all of that research has to be paid for. So when the hearing aid hits the market, much of that initial cost is there to pay off the tab from all the work it took to discover and test that technology.

For most of us, when we have made the change to digital technology in other areas of our lives, we are glad we did. That will be true when you make the switch to digital design in your hearing aid as the technology becomes more available to the rest of us. For one thing, a word that goes hand in hand with digital technology is miniaturization. So once we get used to hearing aids that take advantage of miniaturization, your hearing aid will get smaller so it is not as cumbersome to wear and not as noticeable as well.

Part of the big expense in developing and distributing these new designs in hearing aid research is that digital technology allows scientists to imbed computer chips right into your hearing aid. This will make your hearing aid a "smart hearing aid" that is able to make small adjustments and notice things about the atmosphere, noise level and other factors that can affect your ability to hear and it can make adjustments to the hearing aid settings to compensate for you.

In this way, the hearing aid of the future will be smart and do a much better job of working in any setting because of digital technology. And that technology isn’t centuries away, it is here right now and soon to become part of your life.

Of course, the price barrier in digital technology in the hearing aid industry will almost certainly come down. Just as has happened in every other area of technology, once competition gets into the market and what might be an "exotic" feature in hearing aids becomes more common, the price will come down and make it possible for everyone to afford all of these nice features. So it might just be a waiting game to let the market catch up with the technology before you make the transition to a digital answer to your hearing loss correction technology.

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