Self Test Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a serious problem nowadays. However the problem can be rectified through treatment. The first step towards treatment to alcoholism is to determine whether you have this problem or not. Self test alcoholism helps you to find out whether you are a serious drinker or not. Your willingness to quit alcohol is the basic requirement to provide honest response to self test alcoholism. The following questions will help you in determining the severity of your alcoholism

1. Do you drink heavily on a day you feel frustrated?
2. Do you drink more than usual when you are under pressure?
3. Are you drinking heavily now than you started drinking first?
4. Do you have any problem in remembering yesterday's happening?
5. Do you feel annoying in some situations when alcohol is not available?
6. Do you feel irritated when your family members or friends are talking about your drinking habit?
7. Do you have the problem of memory block outs after drinking? Is that happening frequently?
8. Do you forget all about your commitments or promises after drinking?
9. Do you have the tendency to drink more than your friends when you drink in groups?
10. Do you drink more in secret?
11. Do you feel guilty sometimes about your heavy drinking habit?
12. Are you searching for an occasion to drink heavily always?
13. Have you ever tried to control your drinking habit by changing the brands or in some other ways?
14. Are you trying to avoid family members or friends while drinking?
15. Do you experience more financial problems nowadays due to your drinking habit?
16. Are you eating too little or irregularly after drinking?
17. Do you feel depressed or frustrated frequently?
18. Do you ever see or hear any things which you have not seen before drinking?
19. Do you experience tremendous fear after drinking?

If your answer is yes to any of the question, then you may have the problem of alcoholism. If one third of the questions is yes then you are in the early stage of alcoholism. If two third is yes then it means that you are in the middle stage of the problem. If your answer yes to almost all the questions then it means you are in the beginning of final stage of alcoholism.

Apart from this some signs are there which will help you to detect alcoholism. This self test alcoholism can be made by keenly observing your habits.

1. Have you ever missed your class or work after drinking? Whether it is happening frequently?
2. Have you decided to get rid of drinking problem but feel that you could not?
3. Have you involved in any fighting after drinking heavily?
4. Do you feel that excessive drinking is becoming an essential part of your recreational activity?
5. Have you ever faced any problem with police after drinking?
6. Have you had any sexual experience after drinking and you feel bad for that?
7. Do you lie about the quantity of alcohol consumption?
8. Do you regularly use alcohol as a means to get rid of stress?

The answer yes to above questions will be clear signs of alcoholism. This self test alcoholism will therefore help you to determine whether you are binging on drinking habit or not.

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