Alcoholism Fact

The world has been abusing alcohol since many centuries, it may be one substance commonly used and abused by our ancestors and us. When we discuss alcoholism facts it must begin with the reason that makes this substance so popular. When alcohol reaches the brain it secretes some chemicals called dopamine and serotonin which induce a state of euphoria and well being. This is the state which makes an addict drink alcohol again and again to get that feeling of euphoria.

Another alcoholism fact is that regular consumption of alcohol produces tolerance to the substance. Tolerance is when the body gets used to a specific quantity of alcohol and doesn't get high on it, meaning no euphoria. Now the reason why people abuse alcohol is to get that sense of euphoria, with tolerance the amount of alcohol needed to produce this effect goes on increasing over time. This alcoholism fact is the key to understanding how a so called social drinker becomes an alcoholic.

To understand the next alcoholism fact we have to know the signs and symptoms of a chronic alcoholic. Drinking in isolation, drinking more than his counterparts and changing moods like aggression and depression, are some signs of chronic alcoholism. The alcoholism fact behind this changing graph is increasing tolerance causing increased consumption and leading to more and more damage of organs and mind.

The physical damages caused by alcohol are many but to understand the alcoholism facts behind them even more complex. Each human body is made differently and thus reacts differently to the same substance; if one addict has severe liver damage the other has pancreatitis. The first organ to bear the brunt of the alcohol intake is always the stomach, being acidic in nature alcohol increases the gastric acidity. Increased acidity gives rise to heartburn, reflux esophagitis and gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Liver damage is one of the commonest health problems amongst alcoholics, beginning with hepatitis and ending with cirrhosis.
The liver is the organ responsible for production of many enzymes, clotting factors and breakdown of food thus damage to this organ disrupts many body functions. The liver begins getting inflamed by enlarging and giving symptoms of hepatitis like nausea, loss of appetite and icterus. The second stage is fatty infiltration of the liver followed by permanent scarring damage; this is also called end stage liver disease. This is characterised by ascites or water collection in abdomen, bleeding from all body orifices and death.

The other organ to get affected is the pancrease which is responsible for protein digestion and insulin production. The worst affected is the brain mental disorientation, hallucinations, seizures and delirium tremens. Mood swings and worsening temper, increased aggressiveness and violence are all alcoholism facts. The other important alcoholism facts which should be known are about withdrawal symptoms, to know why an alcoholic goes back to the bottle. Absence of intake of alcohol for a specific time makes the body want more or craves for more, if at this time the body doesn't get alcohol it goes into withdrawal.

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