Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies or moths. They are generally innocuous creatures who pass their time eating contin­ually and waiting to turn into butterflies or moths. Some fifty
species of caterpillars possess short, hollow hairs or spines which. can irritate the skin. These spines are arranged in clusters among the longer hairs; some contain a toxin while others seem to irritate the skin by mechanical means. Reactions to these spines may occur from direct contact but also from airborne matter. Particles that contact the eyes or that are inhaled or swallowed can cause severe problems. Rashes or eye irritation from caterpillars occur primarily in the summer and fall.

Treatment for CATERPILLARS
For puss caterpillar stings, the immediate, gentle application of adhesive or Scotch tape will help remove remaining spines. The sting site should than be cleansed. Calamine lotion may be helpful, and antihistamines sometimes bring relief if used immediately. Puss caterpillar stings often produce severe pain which may require medical treatment with calcium injections or potent analgesics.

Stings of other caterpillars usually need no more than cleansing and the application of bland topical preparations. Ice packs and pastes made of baking soda and water can be applied to all cater­pillars stings.

Prevention for CATERPILLARS
Caterpillars can be controlled with insecticides if it is not possible to avoid them.

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