Veterinary Acupuncture

Veterinary acupuncture is the veterinary medicine for the pets like cat, dog and horses. Acupuncture is the part of Chinese medicine to diagnosis and treatment. This treatment is known as the traditional Chinese medicine. This treatment is the holistic approach to cure the chronic diseases of patients. This treatment considers the patient as an organism having unified energetic parts rather than considering individual part for the treatment. In the veterinary acupuncture, animals are also considered as whole-unit consisting of body, mind, diet, spirit, and environment.

Generally, holistic approach of the medicine helps to explain this ancient medical approach. In the conventional medicine treatments, it tends to analyze the symptoms and according to the diagnosis, the physician addresses the problem by trying to cure the symptoms. On the contrary, holistic or acupuncture therapy looks at the symptoms and tries to find out the causes of the symptoms that are present.

By diagnosing the symptoms, it tries to discover the root cause of that symptom and according to that treatment is given. This therapy is the best alternative to the western veterinary medicine. Holistic approach gives good total health and welfare of the pets. Some times this treatment also includes the conventional methods. Traditional medicine treatment generally includes acupuncture and herbs along with certain techniques to balance the body and allow the animals to cure.

Along with these techniques, other techniques are also used to cure the animals. These treatments consist of laser stimulation, electric stimulation, and many more. Acupuncture and herbal medicinal treatment have been in practice since thousands of years by Chinese. This treatment then greatly accepted by the U.S, practitioners to cure animals as well as the humans. In this treatment, the accupoints are stimulated and then treated with the herbal medicines.

In the acupuncture therapy, needles are pierced in certain points that are called as the accupoints. This pricing stimulates those points and the stimulation cures the diseases. This is manual treatment to cure the diseases. In the electric treatments, the stimulation of the points is done by passing electric current through the needles. These needles are treated as the electrodes. Current passing stimulates the point. Another method to stimulate the points is by laser method.

These are the certain methods to stimulate the accupoints and treating the diseases. Acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicines are good to diagnose the diseases and treat them. Acupuncture shows the effects according to the time and after certain time the disease will cure. Generally, this treatment is use to cure the diseases of pets like cat, dog and horses but some of the physicians use this treatment to cure small pets like birds, ferrets and rabbit.

Generally, the acupuncture therapy is done with the help of needles of metal. Weight of the needles is about 28gm to 30gm. These needles are sharp and used to prick in certain accupoints on the skin. Penetration of the needles in the skin of the animals is about 1/2" to 3/4". This penetration helps to stimulate the points.

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