Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema can be mistaken for a harmless itchy rash that develops on the palms of the hands, sides of the fingers and sometimes the feet. Dyshidrotic eczema can be recognized by clusters of fluid-filled blisters that are small and itchy. Dyshidrotic eczema can appear out of the blue, but is commonly observed during warm weather conditions.

The most common location of Dyshidrotic eczema is on the hands and, less commonly, the feet. Taut fluid-filled blisters are observed on the surfaces of palms and soles and also at the sides of the fingers and toes. These blisters can appear deep-seated due to the thickness of the skin on the palms. In complicated cases, there can be a merger of the lesions that can eventually lead to large blisters. Redness that is also called as erythema is typically mild or absent.

This skin disease like Dyshidrotic eczema has various alternative names like dyshidrosis and Pompholyx. The patient has to face following symptoms of Dyshidrotic eczema. These are listed as below.

The vesicles that are called as little blisters filled with fluid appear on the hands and feet of the patient. These vesicles commonly occur on the finger edges, toes, palms and soles of the feet. In addition, there is a intense itching from these blisters on the body.

In addition, this type of skin itching and scratching affects various severe changes on the skin and skin becomes thick. Also huge amount of blisters cause severe harm to the body.
Special signs and tests are used to diagnose the Dyshidrotic eczema. A skin doctor first of all diagnose this skin disease by seeing at your skin. But in some cases, biopsy of the scraping of the skin becomes very essential to rule out other symptoms. The occurrence of such symptoms appear during certain seasons.as far as the treatment of the Dyshidrotic eczema is concerned, there are three options are available. First treatment contains intake of medicines by the mouth which do not cause itching. Second-one is use of moisturizers and third contains use of strong and effective steroid creams and ointments. Also remember one thing to not to itch blisters. For getting rid of Dyshidrotic eczema, you have to avoid continuous bathing and eliminate use of irritating material which makes your itching harmful.

Sometimes there is a reappearance of the symptoms of the Dyshidrotic eczema after the treatment also. It is because of the scratching in frequent ways which cause thick and irritated skin. This type of skin becomes more difficult to diagnose and it takes longer time to treat it.

Some general complications occurs through this skin disease. These complications are bacterial infection and rigorous itching, pain which cause some obstacles to use your hands for routine work.

There are some precautionary measures which should be remembered by the patient having this skin disease. So if you have a feeling of redness, warmth, tenderness and fever. Also you have a problem of scratching that does not remove away from easy home remedies, then that is the symptoms of the Dyshidrotic eczema. So you should quickly consult the skin specialist.

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