1. Be familiar with the habits and haunts of these insects so that you can avoid them.

2. Wear shoes (not sandals), socks and protective clothing outside.
3. Keep your car windows closed.

4. Keep an insecticide in your car, in the kitchen, etc. Pyrethrins knock down the insects instantly.

5. Eliminate insects and their nests. You may want to hire profes­sional exterminators for this.

6. Wear clothing made from smooth finish fabrics. Colors should be light, such as white, tan, gray or khaki. White is said to be the least insect-attracting color.

7. Shield your face and retreat slowly if approached by insects. Sudden movements or slapping at insects may provoke them. If insect nests are accidentally disturbed, run with enthusiasm.

8. Be especially careful when trimming hedges or shrubs, mowing the lawn, or painting the house or garage.

9. Brush it away if an insect lands on you. Swatting it may trap it against your skin and cause a sting.


1. Disturb insect hangouts, such as flower beds, flowering trees or shrubs, garbage dumps, orchards, vineyards, and clover fields. Soft drinks and ripe fruits especially attract insects.

2. Go barefoot or wear sandals outside, especially in clover.

3. Wear loose-fitting garments. Hair should not be worn long and un­tied. Insects may become entangled.

4. Wear coarse, dark clothing and floral prints.

5. Wear suede or leather materials. Such items release odors that may attract and irritate the insects. Bright, shiny articles also may attract them.

6. Use scented cosmetics or toiletries (especially floral scents), if you are going outside.

7. Eat sweet fruit, liquids, jellies, jams, honey, etc. outside. Change clothing that is soiled with these or other sweets. 8. Make sudden movements or swat at approaching insects.

8. Tease insects or molest their nests.

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