
Acupuncture formed its base in China more than 2,000 years ago and is considered to be the oldest medical treatment known to man. It is necessary to approach the best practitioner of this medicine as it involves hygiene and safety procedures that are in the interest of the patient. Though, this treatment originated in China it was has been adopted rapidly by the Americans.

Acupuncture can be described as a medical procedure that involves stimulation of the pressure points or the anatomical points of the human body by using different techniques. This treatment involves the penetration of solid thin metallic needles in the skin with the help of electric machines or with the hands.

The needles used in this treatment are approved by the U.S Food and Drug Administration and are absolutely safe for use. The needles are non-toxic and sterilized and are labeled for the single use by an authorized medical physicist. There are very few cases of complications caused by the use of acupuncture that have been registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The practitioners are recommended to use a new set of needles for each new treatment, which are available in a sealed pack. The treatment spots are first cleaned by disinfectants before instilling the needles. Very rarely, if the treatment goes wrong it might lead to punctured organs and infections.

Acupuncture has been proved effective on the diseases or disabilities like chemotherapy vomiting and nausea, postoperative dental pain and adult postoperative. Other conditions like stroke rehabilitation, menstrual pains, tennis elbow, myofascial pain, headache, osteoarthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, asthma, lower back pain and many more can be treated with acupuncture procedure.

Medical doctors like anesthesiologists, physicians, neurologists are becoming trained practitioners in the field of acupuncture treatments. This treatment works by generating the effects through the nervous system. Acupuncture may reduce the brain chemistry by controlling the release of the neurohormones and neurotransmitters thus controlling the nervous system which is directly related to the involuntary body functions, sensation that normalize the blood flow, blood temperature and the blood pressure.

The doctor may require your health history, your present health condition, behavior and lifestyle so that he/ she can make a clear picture for the treatment to be recommended. It is necessary to inform the doctor about your medical treatments and medical history also. This therapy works miraculously along with the massage therapy. Nearly 50 to 70% people have said to be benefited by this therapy and 20 % of people have experienced long-term relief from Acupuncture.

Acupuncture is said to have long lasting effects, however the results may vary from person to person and the intensity of the problem. There is a feeling of relaxation and weight loss as the person feels relaxed after the treatment. Acupuncture is the safest and the effective way for sedation without having any the side effects like dizziness and vomiting. Muscular Pain can be reduced and if not lessen it can definitely correct the health abnormalities/ conditions. Acupuncture treatment can make wonders by eliminating or lessening the health problems that might not be sometimes possible with other medical treatments.

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